Trauma Reconstruction
Plastic and reconstructive surgery plays a major role in the trauma services, especially in the reconstruction of head and neck, limbs, trunk and perineum when there is tissue loss, with a multidisciplinary approach.
Plastic surgeon Dr Ranganath heads our trauma management team.Trauma Centres planned without a Plastic Surgern have inferior results.
The spectrum of plastic surgery trauma management ranges from primary closure to reconstruction, or replacement of complex physical defects of form and function involving the skin, musculoskeletal system, cranio-maxillofacial structures, extremities, breast, trunk and external genitalia.

Trauma to the body with loss of form and function requiring plastic surgical intervention can be caused by road traffic accidents (RTAs), firearm injuries (FAI), machine injuries (MI), glass injuries (GI), crush injuries (CI), knife injuries (KI), assault injuries (AI), iatrogenic trauma (IT), human bites (HB), dog bites (DB), other animal bites (OAB), fall injuries (FI), sports injuries (SI), high pressure injection injuries (HPII), bomb blast injuries (BBI), ring avulsion injuries (RAI) and some other causes.
Upper limb trauma
Primary/delayed repair
Skin grafts
Regional flaps
Free flaps
Amputation (finger)
Upper limb trauma was the most common which includes
Wound excision and closure was the most common surgical procedure other commonly done procedure includes skin grafting and tendon repair Flap reconstruction and finger replantation.
Head and neck trauma
Orbital floors
Nasal bones
Medial orbital walls
Zygomatic arches
Le Fort I/II
Frontal sinuses
Other facial bone
Other facial bone
Primary/delayed repairs
Regional flaps
Skin grafts
Neurorrhaphies (facial nerve)
Neck tramas are the complex injuries ranging from simple skin laceration to complex neurovascular and tracheal injuries.
Plastic surgeon Dr ranganath vs is well trained to handle these complex injuries and had saved many lives and deformities performing complex emergency surgeries.
Lower limb trauma
Lower limb trauma
Primary/delayed repair
Skin grafts
Regional flaps
Free flaps
Complex fractures and tissue defects following open fractures are handled by the trauma team. We perfrom regular orthopedic surgeries, vascular repairs on emergency basis.
We treat all complex wounds occurred due to injuries and perform skin grafting or flap cover for early wound healing with better cosmetic and functional outcome.
Microvascular surgery is done on emergency basis in the hospital.